214-793-8697    info@trialresource.com

Trial Resource

Trial presentation and consulting

The resource for all your needs

We are experts in presenting electronic evidence in trials.


Arrange videographer and court reporter to capture legal proceedings.


Planning, Editing, and Evaluating legal material.

Trial Presentation and Consulting

Provide support for presentation of legal video, graphics, and documents.

About Us

We are experts in presenting electronic evidence in trials and aim to ensure we impact the judge and jury with our presentation skills and techniques. Whether you present deposition videos with scrolling text and linked exhibits, 3-D graphics and animations, or exhibits and traditional demonstratives, we incorporate advanced technology with time-tested methods to keep the jury focused and help them retain the information you want them to remember. We will also help you choose the best technology that works with your evidence for your case.

Since 2009

What We Do

Mission Statement

At Trial Resource, our mission is to empower legal professionals with strategic insights, methodologies, and unparalleled expertise to achieve favorable outcomes in the courtroom. We are dedicated to elevating the art and science of trial advocacy. We aim to be the trusted partners that legal professionals turn to when facing complex trials. At Trial Resource we are committed to shaping the future of trial advocacy and helping our clients secure the best possible outcomes.


The individuals we select to occupy the hot seat for our clients are paramount. We focus on experience and legal knowledge. It is not enough for someone playing this vital role to be technically proficient with equipment and software programs. As a member of our team, the Trial Consultant must demonstrate courtroom experience, knowledge of procedures in federal and state courts, and the ability to adapt. Also taking into account the personality and style of individual attorneys.


We specialize in presenting electronic evidence in trials, and we make it our goal to ensure we impact the judge and jury. We are experts in capturing a deponent’s testimony, whether setting up at diverse locations or remotely or IME for your clients. We are experts in demonstrations such as graphics, trial boards, and timelines. We excel in video editing, Trial Pad, video syncing, and ADR. We can present in PowerPoint, or any Trial software. This is just a portion of our talents. You can reach out to us to discuss any situation you are facing. We are your partner in persuasion.

Meet Our Team

Joe Cerda
Director of Trial Operations
Duis felis arcu, cursus quis ante quis, tincidunt finibus orci. Morbi dignissim dolor a erat convallis varius. Donec euismod iaculis metus, dignissim finibus sem fringilla et.
Heather Cerda
Office Manager/Partner
Cras eu bibendum elit. Nullam eu eros commodo, lobortis mi non, pretium sapien. Maecenas ornare sem nisi, in dignissim ipsum hendrerit sed.
Carl Seyer
Trial Technician
Cras eu bibendum elit. Nullam eu eros commodo, lobortis mi non, pretium sapien. Maecenas ornare sem nisi, in dignissim ipsum hendrerit sed.

Our Services

A Trial Presentation Consultant provides a range of services that combine legal expertise with technology to help attorneys achieve success in the courtroom. Our consultants can assist with everything from setting up courtroom equipment to creating persuasive visual aids. By working closely with you, we can help transform complex legal strategies into compelling narratives that will captivate judges and juries alike.

Please view our services below.






Presentation and Consulting

Deposition Services

Court Reporting


Lighting and Setup

Transcript Synchronization

A court reporter and videographer play a crucial role in the legal process by capturing an accurate and objective recording. We typically record the testimony of individuals during legal proceedings, such as depositions, hearings, or sworn statements.

Our court reporters meticulously capture the spoken words unbiasly. We use professional video equipment to capture clear and high-quality video footage of the deponent, setting up the rooms and lighting the deponent for perfect visibility. This recording is essential for creating a permanent and objective record of the proceedings.


Synchronizing and Editing Transcripts

Exhibit Management

Media Storage

A trial technician role is to help legal teams prepare for and present their cases in the courtroom. Our primary responsibilities involve managing and using technology to assist in the effective presentation of evidence, exhibits, and arguments during a trial.

In Pre-Trial, we synchronize the transcript with the video and make any edits based on the attorney’s edit log. Any exhibits that were introduced during the testimony we can link to the deposition and produce callouts.

Trial Presentation and Consulting

Real-Time Support

Courtroom Setup

Playback Presentation

On-the-spot Editing

Trouble Shooting

As a Trial Consultant, we ensure that the courtroom is set up in a way that allows the judge, jury, and other participants to see and hear the evidence and presentations clearly. We oversee video depositions, expert witnesses, and remote testimony, ensuring that the audio and video feeds are properly maintained. We provide guidance, expertise, and support to help attorneys refine their trial strategies and courtroom presentations.

During the trial, we manage the presentation of evidence, including exhibits, videos, and documents, ensuring that they are displayed coherently and compellingly, often synchronized with witness testimony and legal arguments. We also assist with annotating or highlighting specific portions of documents and exhibits as they are presented. 

Get Started

Ready to Schedule with us?

Let’s craft a trial presentation that speaks volumes before words are spoken. Our team is eager to collaborate with you.


Sets up the depositions and records legal testimony used in mediations or trials.


A visual and often emotional portrayal of a person’s daily activities and the challenges they face due to injuries or disabilities.

Site Inspection

Recording the surroundings at physical location or site to assess, examine, and gather information about that location.


Responsible for documenting, organizing, and presenting information and evidence in a manner that assists with the mediation process.

Video Editing

Edit video footage per attorneys’ specifications, ensuring that only the legally relevant content and clips are made. 

Trial Technician

Also known as a courtroom technology specialist or trial presentation consultant, that manages and uses technology to assist in the effective presentation for judge, jury, or mediator.

What do they say
about us

Firm Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lobortis sapien a urna porta sollicitudin. 

CEO Name

CEO, Firm Name

Law Firm Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lobortis sapien a urna porta sollicitudin. Maecenas eu turpis vestibulum massa vulputate pretium ac quis magna. In cursus dolor id nunc placerat, sit amet imperdiet diam faucibus. 

Attorney Name

Defense Litigator, Law Firm Name

Get In Touch


3012 Meadow Bluff Dr., Wylie, Texas 75098




(214) 793-8697

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